January 4, 2014

Match Made in Heaven! Post-it(tm) Notes and Evernote?

Evernote & Post-its Talk about analogue meeting digital!  I just ran across this and couldn't wait to share, but unfortunately I will have to wait until my driveway is plowed out of the 11+ inches of snow before I can venture out to our local office store to pick up my block of favorite colored Post-it(tm) notes. UPDATE: DH had to go get a paper in town (our paper is buried somewhere in the snow in our driveway) so I asked him to stop and get me the Post-its -- let's see if he can follow my specific instructions: they must be 3 x 3 inches and I even gave him the names and a photograph of the colors I needed.

You can read the detailed 'how to' on the Evernote website. But let's just say that my doodling, colored marker, Zentangling being is in creative heaven! Krissy ( @venspired ) you've GOT to check this one out!

So while I'm waiting for him to return I'm thinking of all the things I can do with Post-its(tm) and Evernote. Four colors, four categories.......GO.....

Color #1 - Inspiration things to do that I can't do right this moment, and maybe not even this week, but I will do this year
Color #2 - doodles, quotes and Zentangles(tm)
Color #3 - School related items
Color #4 - Misc., heh....I expect life to happen so I'm being realistic here.

Now I'm wondering if I can have more than just four colors/categories.

So if you were to use the Post-it(tm) and Evernote combo, what would you use them for?

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